Debera Yarina
She was born in Lviv. Spent her childhood with her parents in Greece in the small town of Argos.  
In 2016, she graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design. Studied icon painting at the "Radruzh" school.

Charity exhibition-auction "House of Goodness"(Prague, Czech Republic)
Exhibition "For the Sake of Life"(Lviv, Ukraine)
Exhibition "For the Sake of Life"(Dnipro, Ukraine)
Artist Statement
Exploring images of the subconscious, I project them in my compositions through forms and textures to highlight global issues that concern me. The advancement of technologies has led to many negative consequences for our planet. I combine elements from natural resource extraction with parts of the human body, and sometimes even depict the human body itself, using traditional images of masculinity and femininity, deconstructing their archetypes and revealing their complexity and ambiguity.

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